APCA By-Laws


Article I - Name, Purpose, Scope

Article II - Membership

Article III - Officers and Duties

Article IV - Committees

Article V - Biennial Meeting

Article VI - Dues and Fee

Article VII - Ethics and Discipline

Article VIII - Resignations

Article IX - Dissolution

Article X - Amendments

ARTICLE I: Name, Purpose, Scope

Section 1. Name

The name of the Regional Organisation shall be "The Asian Pacific Craniofacial Association ( APCA)".

Section 2. The purposes shall be:

A. to furnish leadership and foster advances in craniofacial surgery, especially in the Asian-Pacific region;

B. to afford a forum for the exchange of knowledge pertaining to the practice of the above;

C. to stimulate research, investigation and teaching in the methods of preventing and correcting congenital and acquired craniofacial deformities;

D. to enhance the study and practice of craniofacial surgery;

E. to afford recognition to those who have contributed to craniofacial surgery by extending to them membership of the Society.

F. to develop links with similar Craniofacial Societies both regionally and internationally;

G. The Association will not be involved in the politics of any country.

Section 3. Scope

Craniofacial surgery is that specialty in medicine which includes the investigation, preservation and restoration of craniofacial form and function by medical and surgical means.

ARTICLE II: Membership

Section 1

There shall be four classes of membership in the Society: Founder, Active, Associate and Honorary.

Section 2

Membership in the Society is by invitation.

Membership is a privilege and not a right and it is contingent upon continuing compliance with the by-laws of the Society. No person shall be elected or remain a member of the Society unless he or she is of good moral character and adheres to accepted principles of medical ethics.

Section 3

Membership in the Society shall be limited and the candidates to be nominated for membership shall be determined at the Society Meeting by the Officers and Council Members.


A. Those people who have been actively proposing the foundation of the Association and who are present at the inauguration or their written nominees, all of whom need to be actively involved in the management of craniofacial deformity.: They will have all of the rights and duties of active members.



  1. shall be legally qualified, reputable practicing surgeons who are active in craniofacial surgery and who have made worthwhile contributions in this field of endeavour and
  2. shall have had at least six months training in craniofacial surgery at a program recognised by the Society.
  3. shall have been in active practice of craniofacial surgery for a minimum of five years.
  4. have submitted a list of operations performed in the previous two years which have been approved by the Society. A certain percentage of these should have been of the intracranial type (see Appendix A.)
  5. have submitted a list of members of their clinical team.
  6. shall have published at least two papers on the subject of craniofacial surgery.
  7. shall be an active member of a major medical specialty society serving this specialty in the respective country of the Asian Pacific Region.
  8. membership is not restricted to citizens of any specific country.
  9. under exceptional circumstances, the above requirements may be waived by the Officers and Council.


  1. may vote, hold office and serve on committees of the Society.
  2. if absent for two consecutive meetings, they shall be dropped from the membership roster unless the absences is excused by the Officers and Council.
  3. after age 65 they shall not be required to pay dues or attend meetings. However, they shall pay a registration fee in the amount determined by the Council for meetings which they attend.



  1. shall be individuals who have contributed to the understanding and/or treatment of disorders of the craniofacial region. They need not necessarily be actively engaged in the practice of craniofacial surgery.


  1. may attend all scientific meetings and social functions of the Society.
  2. may not serve on committees of the Society.
  3. cannot vote, hold office or attend meetings of the Officers and Council.
  4. if absent for three consecutive meetings, they shall be dropped from the membership roster unless the absences is excused by the Officers and Council.
  5. after age 65 they shall not be required to pay dues or attend meetings. However, they shall pay registration fees in the amount determined by the Officers Council for meetings they attend.


A. Honorary members shall be individuals whom the Society deems worthy of special honor because of notable contributions in the field of craniofacial surgery or because of long activity in the interests of the Society. They are not required to attend meetings or pay dues and they cannot vote or hold office in the Society.



  1. a candidate for Active, Associate or Honorary membership must be sponsored by one of the active members.
  2. an active member cannot sponsor more than one candidate for new membership in any one year, but may co-sponsor any number of candidates.
  3. each candidate must submit the following to the Secretary-Treasurer

      a. a completed application signed by the sponsors

      b. copies of operative reports of all craniofacial procedures performed in the 24 months immediately preceding the date of the application

      c. a list of clinical team members

      d. a list of publications and scientific contributions including full curriculum vitae

  4. the Council and Officers shall consider nominations for membership at the Executive meeting.
  5. the voting members attending the Business Meeting shall vote by ballot on the nominees and a three-quarter affirmation vote of those present shall elect.


A. Completed applications for Active and Associate membership must be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer by a date three months before the Executive Business Meeting

B. Active and Associate members may submit a request in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer for transfers to inactive membership.


All new members shall be sent a certificate of membership signed by the President, Secretary-Treasurer and Council and a copy of the By-Laws of the Society.

Article III: Officers and Duties

Section 1. Officers

The officers of the Society shall be the President, Secretary-Treasurer, and one Council member from each country in the Asian pacific region.

A. No member shall be eligible for office who has not been an active member of the Society for at least five years (this does not pertain to the Founding members).

B. A term of office shall begin at the close of the next Biennial Meeting.

C. The President and Secretary-Treasurer may not serve more than three consecutive terms in the same office.

D. The terms of office for all office holders will be two years.

E. At the Executive Meeting a candidate shall be nominated for each office. Additional nominations may be made from the floor.

F. Election of officers shall be made by ballot of the voting members in attendance at the meeting and a majority shall elect.

G. In the event of the death, resignation or incapacity of the President, the Secretary-Treasurer automatically becomes the President to fill out the remainder of the term. The latter would also continue in their role as Secretary-Treasurer.

Section 2. Duties of the Officers


  1. shall preside at all meetings of the Society and shall serve as the Executive Officer.
  2. shall appoint all committees not otherwise provided for in the By-Laws and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
  3. shall make all appointments to committees and fill all vacancies which occur on committees between meetings unless otherwise provided for in the By-Laws.
  4. should deliver an address at the Biennial Meeting.
  5. shall be empowered to act for the Society in the event of any contingency not covered by the By-Laws.


  1. shall carry on all official correspondence of the Society and shall keep records of the proceedings of all Society meetings.
  2. shall keep a roster of the members of the Society and a record of members' attendance at the Biennial Meetings.
  3. shall present a report of the Society's activities to the membership at the Biennial Meeting.
  4. shall send out notices of meetings to Society members and shall conduct such other correspondence as requested.
  5. shall notify all committee members of their appointments.
  6. shall notify candidates of their election to membership and shall prepare and distribute certificates of membership and a copy of the Society By­Laws to all new members.
  7. shall receive all funds and deposit them in such bank, or banks, as may be designated by the Officers and Council.
  8. shall pay all bills of the Society and keep an itemised account of receipts and expenditures.
  9. shall keep a record of all dues paying members and notify Council of those delinquent in payment of dues and in attendance of meetings.
  10. shall be custodian of all saleable properties of the Society and shall submit an inventory of these properties to the Officers and Council annually.
  11. shall have the accounts of the Society audited by a Certified Public Accountant biennially and reported to the Officers and Council biennially and to the membership at each meeting.


  1. the Council shall serve as the administrative authority of the Society and shall consider all its activities and determine its policies.
  2. the Council shall receive and consider the reports of committees and review their activities and shall direct the Secretary-Treasurer to prepare a biennial report to be submitted to the membership of the Society reviewing the work of the previous years.
  3. the Council (and Officers) shall be empowered to accept, reject, or defer an application for membership in the Society.
  4. the Council, along with the President and Secretary-Treasurer, constitute the Executive Committee of the Society.
  5. The immediate past president shall be a member of Council for the two years following completion of his/her term in office, to be succeeded by the next immediate past president

Article IV: Committees

The President may appoint Committees for the transaction of certain business if so proposed by the Executive Committee of the Society.

Article V: Biennial Meeting

Section 1

A Biennial Meeting of the members of the Society shall be held at the time and place designated by the Officers and Council. The Biennial Meeting shall consist of a meeting of the Executive Committee and a meeting of the voting members with scientific, business, and social program.

Section 2. ELECTIONS

All elections shall be held at the biennial business meeting unless otherwise specified by the By-Laws.


Special meetings may be called by the Officers and Council and notices must be sent by mail to all members at least 60 days prior to the date of the meeting. Business to be transacted at a special meeting will be stated in the notice.

Section 4. QUORUM

At least 50% of members eligible to vote constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at a meeting.


An Executive Business Meeting shall be held any time at the discretion of the President.


All meetings of the Society shall be conducted according to these By-Laws and parliamentary procedures according to Robert's Rule of Order, Revised.


A. Presentation and acceptance of minutes of previous meeting.

B. Report of Secretary-Treasurer

C. Committee Reports

D. Election of members

E. Election of Officers

F. Installation of President

G. Unfinished business

H. New Business

Article VI: Dues and Fees

Seciton 1

The entrance fee for new members shall be determined by the Officers and Council.

Section 2

Biennial dues for members and the method of payment shall be determined by the Officers and Council.

Section 3

The Secretary-Treasurer shall notify all members in arrears of dues. Members delinquent for more than two years may be dropped from membership by action of the Officers and Council.

Section 4

Guest fees and registration fees for the Biennial Meeting shall be determined by the Executive Council.

Section 5

A special assessment may be recommended by the Executive Committee. It must be voted upon at an Executive Business Meeting and must be approved by two thirds before it can be levied on the members of the Society.

Article VII: Ethics and Discipline


All disciplinary actions of members shall be by the Officers and Council which may censure, reprimand, suspend, expel, or otherwise discipline a member.

Section 2. A member may be disciplined for any of the following reasons:

A. Failure to comply with the requirements contained in the By-Laws of the Society.

B. Conviction of a felony.

C. Suspension or revocation of licence to practice medicine.

D. Unauthorised use of the Society's name, logo or other symbols on stationery, publications, symposia advertisements, printed material or in any other manner.

E. Immoral, dishonorable or unprofessional conduct considered prejudicial to the best interest or inconsistent with the purpose of the Society.


Any complaints against a member, or members, and all requests for disciplinary action against a member, or members, shall be made in writing and addressed to the President of the Society who shall submit such complaints to the Executive Committee at the next scheduled meeting.

A. If fewer than three-fourths of the Officers and Council at such meeting vote in favor of investigation of the charges for disciplinary action, the complaining member shall be notified that no action will be taken and the matter will be closed.

B. If at least three-fourths of the Officers and Council present at the meeting votes in favor of the investigation of the charges for disciplinary action, a date shall be set to consider these charges and the Secretary-Treasurer shall notify the member in question by registered/certified mail of the charges against him/her and shall specify the date, place and time of the meeting when the charges will be considered.

C. Any such hearings may be conducted in a formal or informal manner as the Officers and Council in their sole discretion decide and they may limit the amount of time allotted to any person appearing before it.

D. If at least three-fourths of the Officers and Council present at the hearing vote in favor of disciplinary action, the Secretary-Treasurer shall notify the member, within five days, of the disciplinary action to be taken by registered/certified mail.

Section 4

The membership status of any person involved in a disciplinary hearing shall not be altered during the pendency of the proceedings.

Article VIII: Resignations

Any member may withdraw from the Society after fulfilling all obligations and giving written notice of such intention to the Secretary-Treasurer. This notice shall be presented to the Officers and Council at the first meeting following its receipt. The Officers may accept or reject the resignation.

Article IX: Dissolution

In the event of dissolution or final liquidation of the Society, all of its assets remaining after payment of its obligations have been made or provided for shall be distributed to and among such corporations, foundations, or other organizations operated exclusively for scientific and educational purposes consistent with those of the Society, and shall be designated by the Officers and Council.

Article X: Amendments

Section 1

All proposed amendments to the By-Laws must be signed by three voting members and submitted in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Society at least six months prior to the next Biennial Meeting.

Section 2

The Secretary-Treasurer must notify the voting members by mail of the proposed amendment at least three months prior to the next Biennial Meeting.

Section 3. The By-Laws may be amended by:

A. a two-thirds affirmative vote of the voting members by secret ballot at the Biennial Meeting.

Appendix A


OSTEOTOMIES (eg. in craniosynostosis)


  1. unilateral, without orbit
  2. unilateral, with partial orbit
  3. unilateral, with total orbit
  4. bilateral, without orbit
  5. bilateral, with partial orbit
  6. bilateral, with total orbit


  1. full thickness skull with bone graft
  2. full thickness skull with other material
  3. onlay to skull with bone graft
  4. onlay to skull with other material





  1. unilateral, total - intracranial
  2. unilateral, partial - subcranial
  3. unilateral, partial - intracranial
  4. bilateral, total - intracranial
  5. bilateral, partial - subcranial
  6. bilateral, partial - intracranial


  1. inlay with bone graft
  2. inlay with other material
  3. on lay with bone graft
  4. onlay with other material





  1. Le Fort III - intracranial with forehead advancement
  2. Le Fort III - intracranial without forehead advancement
  3. Le Fort III - subcranial
  4. Le Fort II
  5. Le Fort I
  6. Segmental


  1. inlay with bone graft
  2. inlay with other material
  3. onlay with bone graft
  4. onlay with other material





  1. unilateral
  2. bilateral
  3. segmental


  1. inlay with bone graft
  2. inlay with other material
  3. on lay with bone graft
  4. onlay with other material